The personnel and administration OccFld includes the operation and management of administrative and clerical functions in the areas of general administration, personnel administration, and postal service.
Qualifications required include basic clerical skills, typing, and communication abilities.
The duties involve administrative, managerial, and technical skills. Personnel and administration Marines are required to learn clerical and administrative procedures, office management, personal computer skills (personnel and pay database retrieval and word processing), preparation and use of military publications and correspondence, preparation of orders and directives, and the use of filing systems and record-keeping.
Formal schooling is provided to Marines entering this OccFld.
Types of entry level jobs available include work as a personnel clerk, administrative clerk, and postal clerk. There is a wide variety of billets available in this OccFld assignments ranging from duty at the staff level in the division, wing, and force service support group to the opportunity to serve on independent duty in support of the Selected Marine Corps Reserve or in various category "B" billets (MOSs 8000-9599).
Marines entering this OccFld will receive MOS 0100, basic Administrative Marine, and will participate in routine personnel and administrative functions while training for a designated MOS within the OccFld.
The individual training standards are used by formal schools and unit commanders to determine proficiency, evaluate individual training, and maintain quality control.