It is very often the case that some people feel a little apprehensive about joining the Marine Corps because they feel that life on a US Marine base might be boring and constrictive. This is a common misconception of military bases in general. Most young people reason that a military base has to be military-like which to most means boring, clean cut and square.
It is true that the Marine Corps and its men take pride in being well disciplined and very much soldiers. However, life on a US Marine base is very similar to life on a university campus, but even better.
First of all, most Marine bases are huge. The amount of land a Marine base sits on is big enough to hold air bases, training fields and camps, barracks, houses, malls, restaurants and so on. Just like a school’s campus, Marine bases offers its inhabitants not only what they need to get their job done, but also what they need to live a comfortable life. That includes recreational facilities as well as gyms and shooting ranges. Camp Pendleton, one of the largest US Marine Corps bases comprises over over 125,000 acres of diverse landscape, used for barracks, training, and other military duties.
Second, a Marine base is the home of various military units or companies, and they are usually filled with history. Many Marine bases are filled with historical artifacts that proudly display the history of the United States Marine Corps from Revolutionary time to the present. Most Marine bases have at least one museum to display its rich history and pride.
Finally, a Marine needs more than just chow hall food and uniforms. He needs civilian clothing and, when the family comes to visit, civilian food. Marine bases even have fast food as well as nice, sit-down restaurants.
It is true that the military is not for everyone. Particularly, it is true that the Marine Corps is not the place for everyone, since they are a selective group of well trained, well disciplined quality soldiers. However, a Marine base is called home to thousands of men and women from every walk of life.
A Marine base is not just a location; it’s a place to belong.